Food Myths Debunked For Good!


Food Myths Debunked For Good!

If there is one topic that is surrounded by a web of falsehood, it is definitely food! Everyone seems to have an opinion on what you should and should not eat. There is so much misinformation being circulated about nutrition and food that it can be a challenge to know what is true and fake.

To help you figure out the difference between a fact & a myth, we have listed down a few of those common misconceptions that need to be debunked for good.

1. Fatty food can make you fat:
Fat is one of the three primary nutrients our body requires to function normally. At least 30% of our diet should be fat. It is essential for the proper functioning of nerves, improving body composition, and keeping you full between meals. Fat intake should come from saturated or monounsaturated fats, not from unhealthy fats such as trans-fats.

2. You can eat all the healthy food you want:
Many people think if their meal is healthy, they can eat all they want. But that is false. Overeating fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc., will still contribute to the total calorie intake. So, consume wisely.

3. Sports/ Energy drinks are mandatory:
You do not always need a sports drink when you work out. They are not required for most people. However, sports drinks are an excellent option for long endurance athletes who lose a lot of fluid or are exposed to extreme heat.

4. Detoxification drinks work for everyone:
Many detoxification drinks do not support their cause. Our bodies are all well capable of doing all the necessary cleansing. The best way to detoxify is through natural detoxification. One can start by adopting a more nutritious and healthy diet.

5. Avoiding carbohydrates is the best:
Carbohydrates are not the enemy. They are an essential nutrient needed for the body. The focus should be on the quality and the amount of intake, not on avoiding them altogether.

6. You can eat all you want if you exercise:
Nutrition plays a prominent role in weight loss & weight gain. Exercise is crucial for improving fitness, heart health, muscle mass, and more.

7. One needs to starve to lose weight:
Lowering the calorie intake is needed to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean one must starve. Eat well to keep a check on your weight.

Don’t believe in everything you read or hear. Make sure to cross-check the information with trusted sources, before forming your own opinion and following a diet plan. Eat healthy & stay fit!